Betul banget! Live Casino itu memang seru banget karena ada banyak pilihan game yang bisa dicoba, dari yang klasik seperti Baccarat sampai yang lebih seru seperti Roulette. Masing-masing permainan punya keunikannya sendiri, dan coba-coba semuanya bakal bikin pengalaman main jadi lebih seru! 1. Baccarat Ini adalah permainan yang cukup populer dan mudah dimainin. Kamu cuma […]
Thomson Reuters’ 5-step framework to measuring the value of analytics
This blog is based on Thomson Reuters’ Pendomonium session, Measuring the impact of your awesome analytics work. “How do you measure and show the value of product analytics?” This was the question that captured the attention of many at Pendomonium 2023, including Thomson Reuters’ senior director of product analytics, Drew Harden. Nobody reached a solid […]
What’s a good user retention rate? 2025 global product benchmarks
We’ve all interacted with a product that didn’t live up to its promises. From mis-set expectations to poorly placed paywalls, users leave products for many reasons. And because user retention varies between industry, region, and company size, it’s hard to know if your product is keeping an adequate amount of users—or if you’re losing more […]
“Do I really need a session replay tool?” 3 stories from those who thought the same
At some point, we’ve all had no replay tool (or thought the same). We’ve all heard the famous saying “A picture’s worth a thousand words.” But what about a video? Product teams are always on the hunt for ways to truly understand their users—and then build the best products for them. And one key tool […]
How to grow your product in 2025
Just because you built something great doesn’t mean users will come. So you built the perfect product. You did the research. You validated it with users. You spent months in discovery. It solves a major challenge. And of course, it’s perfectly designed. But six months later, your perfect product is being ignored. No one knows […]